A INVAP study case in TUPAC


For years, the INVAP Nuclear area has put its trust in technology
so, ware ANSYS as a fundamental tool for the design of their
projects worldwide. The ability of ANSYS solutions to solve
models in large computers or clusters, and the implementation of the Cluster
TUPAC by the CSC-CONICET, allowed to INVAP to drastically reduce the
time of development of the project, as explained here:

"With the use of HPC (High Performance Computing) empower our
work, reducing by several orders of magnitude resolution times
fluid dynamic models. With the help of ESSS CONICET Argentina and CSC,
we solved a model that otherwise we would not have managed to do with
our current computing capacity resources"

Rodolfo Carlevaris
Sub Gerente Ingeniería Nuclear

More information: Case study INVAP-TUPAC