Seminario CSC: Power Line Communications and Applications

Visita y seminario del Dr. Andrea M. Tonello - 17 de Setiembre de 2019,  11:00 hs

Dr. Andrea Tonello - Investigador y profesor del Grupo de Sistemas de Comunicación Integrados Universidad de Klagenfurt

El Dr. Andrea Tonello, investigador y profesor del Grupo de Sistemas de Comunicación Integrados Universidad de Klagenfurt, Austria brindará un seminario en el CSC titulado "Power Line Communications and Applications".

Resumen de la charla: The introduction of renewables and the goal of increasing efficiency and reliability is revolutionizing the energy grids. Energy grids must become intelligent and be able to manage energy flows and flexibly adapt to changes in production and demand. This paradigm has fostered the creation of new business models on top of technology advances. The physical infrastructure must embed sensing, communication and processing capabilities. This talk provides an overview of relevant applications (from metering, to diagnostics, to energy management). It then covers relevant new wireless (among which long range radio), and power line communication (PLC) technologies to provide massive connectivity. New applications and recent results of PLC that enable grid diagnostics by processing high frequency signals will be presented. In this context, we also elaborate on the concept of learning the system model and discuss how top-down phenomenological approaches followed by machine learning paradigms can be merged with bottom-up physical domain approaches in different layers of PLC for smart grids.

Martes 17 de Setiembre de 2019,  11:00 hs. Sala de Seminarios del 1er piso.